Digital+ Ads Manager Target the world’s largest group of mothers and mothers-to-be cost-efficiently

Every 2 seconds a new mom joins our applications. From the moment she finds out she is pregnant, we are by her side offering advice and support for the first 1,000 days with our Pregnancy+ and Baby+ apps.

You can now connect with millions of parents across the world with relevant and personalized in-app advertising.

Get in touch

Digital+ Ads Manager Drive premium in-app engagement with sponsored placements

Get a premium 360° advertising service with our team of marketing specialists and drive the best results for your brand.
Our service includes campaign activation, management, reporting and optimization.

  • Cost-per-click

  • Automated reporting

  • A/B testing

  • Live dashboards

Get in touch

Why advertise on Pregnancy+ & Baby+? Loved by millions of parents around the world

Directly address more than 6.4 million monthly active users

Reach highly-engaged users and drive them to take specific actions

Serve premium ad formats including native display, video, expanded story, carousel, and coupon

Benefit from premium targeting capabilities and fully customize the user journey

Digital+ Ads Manager Working together to support families worldwide.

Become a premium partner now and connect with millions of parents across the world.

Get in touch